gUna pEndEkatAn yg bEtul-huMan psikOlogy

assalamualaikum guys...
just nak meluahkan rasa hati....
sekarang aq sangat rasa annoyed...
it was annoying la kalau u tanya benda complicated but have no desire to solve them by your own first...
then u just ask someone to get the answered..
it's really2x make me sick....

bukan nak kata kedekut ilmu...
tp, kalau nak suap aje...
payah la...

cik xxx...
bayangkan u ada tangan...
then, u nak tangan org lain je buat keje utk u...
please la...

yes!, it's true that asking was a medium to gain knowledge...
buat u kan siswaszah...
usaha la gaining knowledge sikit...
kalau x pown...
belajar skill macam mana nak tanya someone without org tu rasa meluat kat anda..
betul x guyz...
this attitude just don't match me... 
sorry sangat2x..
i tau u nak belajar...
but please, use the right medium, with the right language, at the right time...


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